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Artificial Intelligence and Disinformation


Artificial Intelligence, short for AI, is the hallmark of the modern era. Basically, AI refers to the imitation and replication of human patterns of intelligence. Despite being around for some time now, this technology remains relatively mysterious for a lot of people.

From their choice of food to their music taste to their political affiliations, the individual and collective human intelligence have become quite decipherable for modern science. Integrate this knowledge of human behavior with machine learning and voilà! You can basically depict, mimic, predict, and control human behavior.

However, neither the development nor the use of AI has been steady or simple. Like every other technology, AI does face the threat of going overboard with its innovative features.

Take chess, for example. AI has been able to assess every single human move in the game over the last few centuries. With this data, an automated AI chess player can break into the human mind to see how it analyzes the next move. Al doesn’t memorize the millions of moves from every game of chess; it comes up with its own moves.

The reason why AI stands out so distinctively is that it breaks through the conventional stereotypes of modern-day technology. More than just being of practical use, AI can manipulate human behavior on a wide scale. Unlike cellphones or space missiles, AI captures the very core of human personalities. And just like all technology, AI, too, can be abused for ulterior motives.

Artificial Intelligence and Disinformation

Here’s how to spot misinformation online – Source – CNN

Cutting through the noise of social media and figuring out what’s true and false can be tough. These steps can make it easier.


AI influences the advertisements we see on social media, the accounts that pop up in our suggestions, and even the political opinions that we’re exposed to. AI knows precisely how to convince us in favor of, or against, certain beliefs. The handling of these algorithms, therefore, is a responsibility of utmost importance.

The larger the database that an AI system gathers, the more capable it is to influence several million people’s decision-making. On both individual and collective levels, those who benefit from AI information are at a great advantage of throwing caution to the wind. Then, it may be an online squabble with a stranger or your ideas on the national budget. AI can gain access to and influence every aspect of life.